Floow by Flex – It’s Not a Car or Bicycle but It Could Be The Future of Our Transportation

Floow by Flex – It’s Not a Car or Bicycle but It Could Be The Future of Our Transportation

It is not a car, it is not a bicycle. FLEX/the INNOVATION helped to develop FLOOW and designed it to be a unique and cool personal transportation vehicle. With the chain drive and bicycle pedals you get the necessary exercise when using FLOOW. The small electric motor helps you to develop a considerable speed and […]

Nature Inspired Tricycle Will Act As The Bicycle’s Big Brother In The Future

Nature Inspired Tricycle Will Act As The Bicycle’s Big Brother In The Future

A must have in your garage, if you love outdoor sports no matter the weather, if you love an Eco way of life or if you care about the environment when going to work. The designer, Irina Alexandru, turned to nature to find inspiration in creating the Eco Vehicle. The nature inspired shape is making […]

Canyon Future Mobility Concept – It Looks Like a Personal e-Car But It’s Actually an e-Bike

Canyon Future Mobility Concept – It Looks Like a Personal e-Car But It’s Actually an e-Bike

As the city changes, so does our generation, more simpler form of mobility is in high demand nowadays, the bicycle. Canyon Future Mobility Concept wants to offer a mobility solution to urban environment, dodging traffic and eliminating the dreaded search for parking. An electric bike would have made it easier to get around town. Combining […]

FarGo Upcycled Power-Assist Bicycle for The Southeast Asian Region

FarGo Upcycled Power-Assist Bicycle for The Southeast Asian Region

FarGo is a concept bike designed specially for the Southeast Asian region. It’s the second winner of Michelin Design Challenge 2020 (the first one is Volkswagen MUT. E) that provides small-scale mobility just like bikes and motorcycles. FarGo Upcycled Power-Assist Bicycle is dedicated to counties like Cambodia and Vietnam where there are many merchants that […]

Pac – Future Last Mile Delivery Transportation by Flnn.Design

Pac – Future Last Mile Delivery Transportation by Flnn.Design

Flnn.Design presents you with their future vision of last mile delivery transportation system, Pac. It’s a system that adapts to user’s needs and wishes, it can also be scaled during peak times to keep a perfectly timed delivery. In the future Pac implements a hub and spoke system into neighborhoods, it uses autonomous microhubs as […]

Panther 3D-Printed Bicycle in Metal by Omer Sagiv

Panther 3D-Printed Bicycle in Metal by Omer Sagiv

Panther 3D-Printed Bicycle is a project submitted by Omer Sagiv, it’s a bike that features two 3D-printed metal frame connected through welding. You can read his explanation below. “Observing both nature and technology, I tried to combine feline grace with the latest metal 3d printing technology. The Panther Bike has a two parts 3d printed […]

GinzVelo Hybrid Bicycle Offers New Way to Cruise Around The City

GinzVelo Hybrid Bicycle Offers New Way to Cruise Around The City

Peter Ginzburg designed and developed GinzVelo to change how we travel in cities and suburbs. It’s a combination of pedal and electric power, giving you ultimate bike driving experience, yep, he claims that this bike moves as fast as a car. At first sight, the unusual shape might make you wonder, this vehicle has been […]

Luna 3D Printed Bicycle by Omer Sagiv

Luna 3D Printed Bicycle by Omer Sagiv

The Luna bicycle has 3D printed nylon frame, front fork, and handle bar. All the other parts are off the shelf parts. The idea behind it is to utilize SLS technology wisely, whilst keeping a low production price (by using the “off the shelf” parts). It is printed on demand, so no stock required. Another […]

Walking Bicycle : Faster Than Walking, Easier Than Riding Conventional Bike

Walking Bicycle : Faster Than Walking, Easier Than Riding Conventional Bike

Walking Bicycle, just like its name suggests, it’s a bicycle that you move simply by walking. It works just like an elliptical bike, it’s faster and more convenient than walking. There are no English description on the official site, fortunately, Arisa Katayama’s (the project leader) willing to explain it to us. The project started five […]

Paravelo Flying Bicycle by XploreAir

Paravelo Flying Bicycle by XploreAir

XploreAir has an ambitious project to bring you the future of flying bike, Paravelo. This vehicle combines our current technology in innovative ways with one objective; that is allowing you have your own adventure and fly. Every child’s dream is to be able to fly, don’t lie to me and say you’ve never thought of […]

INgSoc Bicycle Design is Perfect For Daily Commuting or Racing Environment

INgSoc Bicycle Design is Perfect For Daily Commuting or Racing Environment

Bicycle is one of the most efficient self-powered modes of transportation always. It serves as an excellent alternative for urban mobility. Well, INgSoc bicycle is not an exception. This bicycle conceives of a future where power-assisted bike will certainly become the prevailing form of urban transportation. In terms of INgSOC’s construction, the frame is built […]

Urban Cart As Your Future Personal Vehicle

Urban Cart As Your Future Personal Vehicle

This future personal vehicle was inspired by horse jockey. Can you believe that? Because the outcome is a pretty cool vehicle. In the future, I believe that auto mobile consumers will want to save more energy and reduce pollution. Urban Cart is a personal vehicle that answers those issues. It’s been designed with less material, […]

Volkswagen Mimio Can Represent The Future Commuting Alternative With Great Power And Usability

Volkswagen Mimio Can Represent The Future Commuting Alternative With Great Power And Usability

Can you ignore the possibility of using privately owned vehicles within metropolitan areas getting prohibited all over the world by 2032? An industrial designer, Jacky Wu envisioned that scenario when car would be parked outside and the only accessible vehicle into the city would be personal bicycles. That’s why he designed the innovative Volkswagen Mimio […]


Energy Efficient E-Commuter Promises Smoke and Noise Free Future City

The next generation e-commuter electric concept car is inspired to reduce the serious air pollution being occurred by the toxic exhaust of the increasing number of vehicles. This car is powered with two energy sources, mainly the solar cells of the car’s top surface generates photovoltaic power and the easily attachable or detachable outer battery […]


Ubicycle – Public Bicycle Service System

With increasing vehicular traffic on the road and resulting pollution each passing day, more and more emphasis is being given in finding alternate means of transportation. Obviously green fuel and the vehicles running on the same is quite a craze, but the same is in conceptual stage it would be a while before the same […]