Greek Architecture Inspired Palco Modern Foosball Table

Through combination of various aspects from Greek architecture to the characteristic of overlapping planes usually find in the stands of modern sports arenas, Palco Foosball Table was born. These aspects appear more specifically in the base of the product, the foosball table is made up of an internal structure covered in slatted wood that refers to the vertical lines of Greek columns.

Palco Foosball Table by Edson Martone Henrique Vieira

Foosball Table is a traditional board game that we encounter in many parts of the world. Designed by Edson Martone Henrique Vieira, Palco Foosball Table promotes modern design with sustainable production. As its primary function is recreational, this entertainment table goes through sustainable construction with less damaging process. It uses reforested wood with good resistance and durability, resulting in durable Foosball table that lasts for a long period of time.

Palco Foosball Table by Edson Martone Henrique Vieira

Palco Foosball Table by Edson Martone Henrique Vieira

Palco Foosball Table by Edson Martone Henrique Vieira

Palco Foosball Table by Edson Martone Henrique Vieira

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