Light Phone III Offers Basic Phone Features for Distraction-Free Experience

Light Phone III is the third generation simple phone designed to provide you with non-distraction communication device. We all know how difficult it is to live in a world when everything around you seems ready to distract you. This phone has been designed to make it easier for you to go light, trust us, it will help you pay more attention to your everyday activities such as having personal time with your children and family. This minimalist phone wants you to let go smartphones that most often than not distract you from having real connection with those around you. Enjoy a distraction-free experience with Light Phone.

Light Phone III Basic Phone

The company provides software updates without asking you to upgrade to a new product. This third generation features metal frame, fingerprint ID, USB-C, 5G, NFC chip, a flashlight, and a clickable wheel. There’s a camera inspired by point-and-shoot film cameras, it comes with a dedicated two-step shutter button with a fixed focal length and center focus. Each phone is made to last, the software will continue to support the phone as long as it can, because we don’t need a phone every single year.

Light Phone III Basic Phone

Light Phone III Basic Phone

Light Phone III Basic Phone

Light Phone III Basic Phone

Light Phone III Basic Phone

Light Phone III Basic Phone

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